Segmentation Widget
Hurray! Now you have your features extracted and ready for the main action! 😊
The Segmentation widget is a long widget with several panels, but don't worry we'll go through all of them, from top to bottom!
Inputs and Labels' statistics
- Input Layer: To set which napari layer is your input image layer
- Feature Storage: Select your previously extracted features
file here.
Note: You need to select the storage file for this particular input image, obviously! - Ground Truth Layer: To select your Labels layer
- Add Layer button: To add a new GT layer to napari layers
Labeling Statistics
- Analyze button: To get info about number of classes and labels you've added so far.
- You can have as many Labels layer as you want. But only the selected one will be used for training the RF model.
- You can also drag & drop your previously saved labels into the napari and select that layer.