Detecting Nuclei

Open Image

  • Select card Open File

  • Browse for Image on your local workstation

  • Open the selected file

CTRL+SHIFT allows you to Zoom In and Out
Mouse Scroll Wheel allows you to scroll through volumetric image

Local Minima in the 4D space

  • Select card Detect Spherical Structures

  • Set Min Scale = 5

  • Set Step Scale = 1

  • Set Max Scale = 9

  • Set Anisotropic Axis = X for in-situ embryo and Z for live embryo

  • Set Anisotropic Sampling Factor = 1 for in-situ embryo and 5 for live embryo

  • Ensure Bright Blobs checkbox is ticked

  • Press Run

Warning This step above takes the most time and memory.
If the above process fails, increase the memory allocated to Fiji by going to Edit>Options>Memory & Threads and increasing the Maximum Memory
Trouble Shoot If the above doesn’t work, try cropping out the background from the volumetric image just to process the embryo of interest

Edit Nuclei

  • Select card Edit Detections

  • Press Run

  • Visually inspect the results

  • At sites of over-detection, select card Select Nuclei

  • Click on over-segmented detection and press Delete

  • At sites of under-detection, select card Select Nuclei

  • Drag, form an Oval and release. Next click Add

  • When satisfied, press Save Results

_images/add_nucleus.png _images/added_nucleus.png

Load Previous Detections

  • Open Image by using the card Open File

  • Select card Load Ground Truth Detections

  • Browse for previously saved csv results file

  • Click Open to load results file